
Right Side of the Road: Politics for Kids

Welcome to Right Side of the Road! It’s important to stay informed, and you can start anywhere from age 10-12. Every week, I deliver short, to-the-point videos to keep us informed about current events, so you don’t have to be completely blindsided to them. While I am conservative, I deliver the news in a non-biased way, but you also get my take on the world’s events. Learn every week how events affect you and what you can do about them! Come up with your own opinions, don’t just believe the rumors you hear! What are you waiting for?

Hated by progressive media. Loved by rational humans.


Ep. 6 – New Year, Nothing’s New

The people currently running your country are still the same, their one difference being that they managed to use common sense for once. Today, join me as we explore all of the ways they are all still the same and the one thing that the Biden Administration actually is doing differently.   If you haven’t already,…

The Left’s Delusional Celebration of Jan. 6th

Happy January 6th! Well, for the Democrats it’s happy. They have an event that they can use relentlessly to make Republicans look like evil goblins. Exactly one year ago, a few conservatives stormed the capitol building to try and stop President Biden’s inauguration. Now, the Left won’t let it go because they use it to…

My New Website!

If you’re reading this, you probably already know, but I just launched a website for Right Side of the Road! You may be wondering: Why would I need a website when I already have a podcast? The answer is simple: I’m giving you more information! First of all, never miss an episode of Right Side…

The Host

Hendric Voris

I’m the main (and only) host of Right Side of the Road! I’m 13 and in 7th grade, so I am dedicated to delivering the facts to all those listening who are my age and underinformed.

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